Somos Esport Chile, organización de jugadores que nace el 2020 con la finalidad de profesionalizar los deportes electrónicos en el país, mediante la generación de vínculos entre los gamers y el mundo social y académico, que nos permita un impulso al desarrollo del conocimiento vinculado a los esports.

September 2021

ContentGuidelines for APA Style PapersHealthy BoundariesResearch-based reasons why we must let shame goThe Loss ExperienceEvidence-Based Psychological Approaches for Working with ShameHealing From Shame They have the wonderful ability to sense when someone needs a little extra love, some playful puppy time, or just a companion to sit and hold space while they are processing

ContentWho needs to make estimated tax payments?Tax withholding definition: When and how to adjust your IRS tax withholdingWhat happens if I forget to pay my quarterly taxes?Who should pay estimated taxes?What should a pay stub look like? Also, a bi-weekly payment frequency generates two more paychecks a year (26 compared to 24 for semi-monthly).

ContentWhat are the benefits of double-entry bookkeeping?The Double Entry Accounting System Means Better BusinessSwitch to smart accounting. Try Zoho Books today!Using Accounting SoftwareStart exploring the best personal finance content!Is it possible to use single-entry and double-entry bookkeeping simultaneously? You just sold $1000 worth of wholesale products, on credit, to a customer. You are starting