Somos Esport Chile, organización de jugadores que nace el 2020 con la finalidad de profesionalizar los deportes electrónicos en el país, mediante la generación de vínculos entre los gamers y el mundo social y académico, que nos permita un impulso al desarrollo del conocimiento vinculado a los esports.

March 2023

In a community that is increasingly more polarized, sexuality stereotypes are a powerful software used by individuals who seek to infuse fear, hate and discrimination into other folks. Oftentimes, one of the most harmful of the stereotypes are targeted at women and females. These stereotypes not only adversely impact

Many delightful interracial lovers are seen all over the world. These lovers are able to overcome the obstacles that come with being an interracial couple. They are able to stand up against racism and discrimination. Also, they are able to coach